Distance B Ed Course Admission Open


Teaching students is a difficult task and requires vigorous training and skill-building. The Bachelors in Education or B.Ed is a degree course that trains students to become teachers. It is a teacher training course where teachers are equipped with skills required for teaching students. A degree in B Ed is now mandatory to become eligible for teaching in government or private schools and colleges in India.  Looking at the shortage of teaching staff in India and the willingness of people to learn the course at home through distance education, the National Council For Teacher Education has started the B Ed Course in distance mode.

This 2-year course equips students with not only the technical but also practical skills required to perform a remarkable teaching task. All major universities in India offer the B Ed distance education degree course for the time duration of at least 2 years. Students have the flexibility to finish the course in 2 years to 5 years from the time of admission.

The basic outcomes from the B. Ed course are:

  1. Understanding the educational system in India
  2. Understanding ways of student engagement, developing competencies for organizing learning experiences, explaining concepts to students and so on.
  3. To train teachers to understand the teaching–learning process taking into consideration language diversity, thereby systematizing learning experiences
  • A graduate from any field is eligible to pursue to B Ed Distance course. The degree course needs to be recognized by the UGC and graduation. A person who has cleared the Master’s exam is also eligible for the course.
  • The student should have obtained at least 50% marks in the graduation course. (ST/ST/OBC students have a 5% relaxation in terms of marks).
  • Candidates who have passed the teacher education programme by NCTE in head-on mode are also eligible for the course.
  • Teachers who have taught in primary or secondary schools for at least 2 years can also take up this course.

Students who pass the eligibility are selected on the basis of 2 criteria for securing admission to any institute/university offering the B.Ed Distance Course.

  1. The marks secured in the graduation examination
  2. Marks were obtained in the entrance examination conducted by individual universities/institutes.
  • Candidates need to apply for each university or institute depending on their preferences. Every university or institute has its own set of admission procedures – online or offline.
  • After filling the form and initial verification by the college/university, candidates need to appear for an entrance test.
  • Based on the marks scored, a merit list is put up for each university/institute. Students who have secured marks above the cut-off marks need to go to the college and secure admission after submission of necessary documents.
  • In case seats are not filled, the second list of candidates is announced by the college and then students whose names appear in the list can secure admission to the course.

This is the process generally followed by top universities. There may be minor changes in the process followed by institutes depending on their administration.

The course of B. Ed Distance follows almost the same syllabus as in the B Ed normal course. The curriculum has been designed in order to train candidates to understand the various aspects of education followed in India along with theoretical and practical aspects in creating student engagement. The course also equips a candidate to find ways to measure learning outcomes. The B Ed Distance education course generally has the following subjects across the 2 years course:

  • Childhood and Growing Up
  • Learning and Teaching
  • Pedagogy of a School Subject
  • Drama and Art in Education
  • Creating an Inclusive School
  • Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
  • Contemporary India and Education
  • Reading and reflecting on texts
  • Critical Understanding of ICT
  • Assessment For Learning
  • Health Education
  • Language across the curriculum
  • Understanding the Self

Depending on the university the above subjects may vary. The above list is a reference list only.

A degree in B Ed opens doors for a numerable of career options.

  • A B Ed. The degree is a mandatory requirement now in order to work as a teaching professional in government schools, private educational institutions, coaching centres, educational consultancy firms or even private / home tuitions.
  • There are number of schools being opened in the country every year by both governments as well as private companies/institutions. As a result, the demand for teachers in the country is growing at a rapid pace. The B Ed degree helps you pursue a career as a teacher.
  • One of the most popular career choices after passing the B Ed distance course is pursuing a job as a government teacher. It is an extremely lucrative job that offers career security along with a reasonable level of salary.
  • Apart from teaching for government or private schools, a B Ed provides you with skills to start your own private tuition or coaching classes.
  • A degree in B.Ed opens the opportunity to pursue higher education in the field of teaching. Candidates can pursue an MEd and a PhD to specialize in the field of education and can also open career guidances


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